kind of a disclaimer because how this otherwise fine day is tainted: amongst the things that will occur today are the british elections and the independence day celebrations for the united states. while i am glad that the tories will face major losses, and perhaps will fall from relevancy, i am rather disappointed at the choices the british have: the labour (who stand for nearly nothing and somewhat transphobic), the libdems (economically liberal), and reform (the tories at their worst). it seems like the few decent parties (like green) won't do as well as they should. at least in britain they would have something worth celebrating about today (maybe... idk), in the united states it is the celebration of this truly awful state. the way this country was born off genocide and had been a chief archetict and inspiration of some of the worst atrocities since its establishment.

music i listened to

since my last blog post i have listened for the first time (not in order): this is amongst other albums i have listened to but have since forgotten due to non existant record keeping. a lot of these were the first time for certain artists (actually most).

my favorite of the album i have listened to since have been true romance , the dreaming, and selected ambient works volume ii, although vince staple's work, charli xcx's other work, and night time, my time, are close. i hope to expand on this later

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