it is 12 pm, and i am stream of conciousnessing all over the place

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hello inhabitants. it is 12 pm where i am right now. i want to make a post on the blog. right now i am listening to ag cook's new album, britpop. at the moment it sounds pretty cool. certainly amongst the greatest albums of this year. at this moment, the song "heartache" is playing. it is an obvious reference to his persona pobbles. the sound of the vocals really plays into the robotic nature of vocaloid, and this is contrasted to the almost empathetic pop prodocution of ag cook. ok, now it is getting crazy. almost alien like. cool use of supersaw like sounds, first soundling almost like the heartbeats of the robot. now it is at the end wow, pretty good song. now "television" is on. its a silly little song. cute vocal chops. not much else to say. i would also like to say that i already listened to "silver thread golden needle" and "britpop." i would say that "silver thread golden needle" was my favorite song of the year at one point. i don't know what is now my favorite song, perchance something by chappell roan. now "luddite factory operator" is playing. i already listened to it, however poorly, not on my bass boosted fancy headphones, but on the speaker on my phone, outside, touching grass. it is truly a spectacular song, very mechanical, very english factory core. them british peasants would definetly like this music. it doesn't give luddite though. perchance, one of the best songs of the album. i suppose it may be fitting [wow porter robinson] that it is in the past disc. actually nevermind. disregard the past two sentences. actually, w3 schools here i come. now it is serneade time. and present time. in the present right now, it is 12:33 pm est. pretty cool if your interested in time. song is pretty cool. i like it more than soft rock. it is certainly soft. if it was real, the texture would be very unpleasant, like wool, so i am grateful that it is a song. right now, it is "nice to meet you" that is playing. ag cook is probably singing more. quite soft again. kind of reminds me of jane remover, except now the kazoo is playing. right now "the weave" is playing. it feels mythical. not at all rock like, maybe a lute. is is old british culture reminicent but also electronic. i dont know, i am just saying words. he is saying a lot of natural stuff like "stone" and "sky," probably what british people were thinking about before they thought about making books, songs, or taking good food from other countries. it that a guitar of the electric variety? perchance, perchance. "green man" is the song now playing. his words are not very comprehenisble. production very similar to the other "present" disc songs. oh my, guitar saturated. and his voice still soft. intriguing. nevermind. it is now "crone" time. first impressions, similar to "the weave." but now with elephant sounds. emo. and whimsy. ag cook is one whimisical fellow. even when he is sad. he is singing so soft, and his production feels like it is trying to cheer him up. now is is organ-esque and guitar-esque. chimes, it is now "greatly" time. sire. manor. manor lords? indeed. love. guitar drop. woo. those guitars, they are crazy. it is so me, this is what i want to do. i am inspired. "bewitched." i am eating the many fleshes of my enemies perchance. noisy, punky, it is so cool. he huh he he ough he oh he he ouh. euh ouh o egh so dh. nice. "without" is playing. he is emo again. now noisy. cool. i would totally sing this song on a long drive home in a very sentimental manner if lyrics cared about me. wait, sophie reference? "i can make you feel better." i love her. crazy [british] anime song is playing. souuullbreakerrrr. i feel like tori the way i am blogging, so cool. "lucifer" is playing. i listened to it before. i love charli xcx. great song. 360 is also a cool song, brat certainly will be amongst her best. noise needs to be used more in pop music in general. pfshhhhhhhhhh. so cool. "emerald" time. wonky, kind of like "silver." bass, detroity maybe. but in a pop way. new bass. pretty song. and also harsh song. "butterfly craft" now. or "butter craft" for tattoos. noisy, the sort of stuff i would hold myself hostage to listen to and admire. certainly a magnificent piece of work. drones. i know the word "drones" and i am using it. it represents this sound. it is "equine" time now! i also previously listened to this. i hear sophie in the bass. "beautiful"? beautiful superstar. "www" now playing. drums crazy. even crazier than the last song. so electroncially vocals, effect perchance similar to "heartache." different from the "heartache" vocals at the start, but i hear some later. those 808s, wowzers. a part of this song sounds like that one folie song, "cortisol". so many things going on every 20 seconds. "pink mask" is playing. it has angelic vocals, now angelic bass, and now his angelic voice. old stuff mentions: catacombs, stained glass windows, candles, insects in amber. kind of reminds me at parts of cavetown. "out of time" now playing. like how i am out of time studying revising for my biology exam, amirite guys? noise, many, many arpeggios, snares, four on four, so many things. i am moving through time like the speed of light. but actually a bit slower. it is claustrophobic in this song, new things, it is coming closer. it is devouring, the bass is approaching, is it the end? it is only 2:12 minutes in. a voice appears. is there hope. the voice of an angel. it it complacent, the snare returns. is this death? is there a god (other than sophie of course, she is defintely a kind deity, and would neverr hurt me)? it is techno. ok guys, i am fine lol. i hope so at least. oh no. it is going. unnerving. everything is slowing down. maybe death is slow, not all at once, just chilling but then you chill so much (including your vital organs) that you die. i have completely died, and it is my ghost who is writing this. i give this album 10.00